Please meet GASTON

Gaston is such a gentle soul, he is almost completely blind but is so trusting. He is the only member of the sheep herd who comes to me for a cuddle. The others are more on guard and a bit scared, which is typical for this breed of sheep. But not Gaston. He is the kindest, sweetest, calmest soul I have ever met in my life. His eyes are blind but his heart sees crystal clear.

Gaston’s Godparents:
– Jenna Platton & Izra
– Silvie Bonne
– Emma Vaes


Our monthly sponsors and Godparents are WonderWoodLands guardian angels! They help us cover the expenses that we need to make to take care of the animals: food, shelter & healthcare. We want to let every resident of WonderWoodLand live their best life after the hardship they went through. And thanks to you they can do just that!