Please meet ZOË

Dimitri from Forrest and Friends, contacted me to ask if I could adopt Zoë. She was brought in into their sanctuary after losing her herd and he was looking for a herd of the same type of sheep: Soay. Soay sheep are a more wild kind of sheep, not very domesticated or affectionate towards people.
When I introduced Zoë to the herd, they were very interested in her, but she kept her distance. During a few days, she stayed a bit away from them even though multiple members of the herd sought rapprochement towards her. Especially Rembrand was very interested in her and she slowly started to appreciate his invitations and his company. When a sudden storm happened, the whole herd fled into their stable and Zoë joined them to find shelter. And that was that: ever since she was a full member of the family. She now even organically turned into their leader as she is younger, stronger and healthier than the rest of the herd. She is a natural born gentle leader and I am so proud to see her taking care of everybody.
She does not trust people and can not be approached. Hence why there are only pictures of her in the distance. 😉

Zoë’s Godparents:
– Gilles Bogaert


Our monthly sponsors and Godparents are WonderWoodLands guardian angels! They help us cover the expenses that we need to make to take care of the animals: food, shelter & healthcare. We want to let every resident of WonderWoodLand live their best life after the hardship they went through. And thanks to you they can do just that!